PoSDuck Glossary

NFT - a digital asset, based on computer code. It is recorded on a blockchain ledger to prove ownership and authenticity of a unique asset. Its being non-fungible distinguishes an NFT from other fungible digital assets. DuckNFT - an ERC-721 standard NFT. It is a stakeable asset on the PoSDuck platform employed to generate passive BNB income known as staking rewards or interest.

Boost - an ERC-721 standard NFT used on the PoSDuck platform to enhance a DuckNFT staking pool's performance.

Staking Pool - a set of staking parameters. There are pools with various interest rates and staking periods.

Staked NFT - a user-approved NFT used to enter a staking pool and generating passive BNB income.

Boost Tab - the tab used to purchase and manage the user's Boosts.

PDT - the PoSDuck platform's utility token of the ERC-20 standard. PDT stands for PoSDuck Token. It is used for PoSDuck's community promotion and purchasing Boosts.

User - any person who bought a PoSDuck platform's DuckNFT or Boost.

Referral - a person who joined the PoSDuck platform (bought a DuckNFT) via a referral link.

Structure Turnover - total NFT purchases by referrals up to Level 5. Expressed in BNB.

Team Turnover - total NFT purchases by members of a team. Expressed in BNB.

Referral Program Level - a reward rate on each DuckNFT or Boost bought by the user's referrals. There are 8 levels to the Program.

Level 1 Referral - a person referred directly by the user's referral link.

Level 2 Referral - a person referred by the Level 1 Referral.

Leader - the user who met the Leader Program conditions. By doing so, they secured the Team Boosts for their team and themselves.

Leader Program Level - gained on meeting the team turnover (5 levels) and members conditions. A new Team Boost unlocks for all team members each time the team leader graduates to a new Leader Program Level.

Leader's Team - an unlimited number of the platform's participants linked by a common referrer with the biggest BNB turnover (leader).

Team Boost - an ERC-1155 standard NFT available to all the leader's team members once the former reaches a new level.

NFT Price - a BNB amount needed to purchase a DuckNFT. Each DuckNFT's price is recorded in its attributes on purchase. The minimum price is 0.01 BNB.

Level-up Purchase - the user's referral's DuckNFT or Boost purchase triggering the former's Referral Program or Leader Program Level.

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